Francesco Totti doesn’t like the Tapiro d’oro

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Francesco Totti does not like the Tapiro d'oro

On Monday evening on Striscia la notizia (Channel 5, 8:35 p.m.) a Tapiro d’oro will be presented to Francesco Totti. 

Back from Miami with his partner, Noemi Bocchi, the former Roma captain è was intercepted ago at the airport by Valerio Staffelli. Forced smile and zero desire to talk, Totti, as reported by Mediaset, replied visibly annoyed: "You know everything better than me. And anyway I don’t take any moreù Tapiri". 

More cordial was Bocchi, who è got into the car with the Golden Tapiro. But, surprisingly, Totti opened the door and left it on the street, just before the car left the’airport.

Beyond the gossip unleashed on extra-sporting matters holds sway in recent days the possibility that the former champion will put his shoes back on and return to the field.

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