What is clostebol, the much talked about substance that triggers doping-related investigations
Clostebol among the protagonists of 2024
Clostebol è a synthetic anabolic steroid derived from testosterone. è known primarily for its anabolic properties, which promote muscle growth, and for the absence of significant androgenic effects, making it less aggressive than other anabolic steroids. However, è a banned substance in many sports disciplines as it is considered doping.
Main Features
- Chemical structure: Clostebol è a modified variant of testosterone, with a chlorine atom at position 4 of the molecule. This modification reduces its androgenic effects compared to testosterone.
- Effects: It has anabolic properties that promote muscle recovery, increased muscle mass and strength. Unlike other steroids, it is less likely to cause androgenic side effects such as acne, baldness or virilism.
- Forms of use: It can be found in cream, injection or tablet form. Its best-known variant è clostebol acetate, sometimes used in the medical field.
Medical uses
In the medical field, clostebol è has been used in the past to treat:
- States of muscle weakness.
- Growth delays.
- Catabolic conditions (loss of muscle mass caused by disease or trauma). However, its medical use è limited and has often è been replaced by safer alternatives with fewer side effects.
Use in doping
Clostebol è prohibited by WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) and è included in the list of substances banned in sports competitions. Its intake may confer illicit benefits, such as improved physical performance and accelerated recovery.
- Doping cases: Numerous athletes have been found positive for clostebol over the years. In some cases, athletes have claimed to have used creams containing clostebol for medical purposes, ignoring the ban.
Side effects
Despite its relatively safer anabolic effects than other steroids, clostebol canò nevertheless cause unwanted effects:
- Hepatic Disorders: Like many anabolic steroids, it canò stress the liver.
- Cardiovascular effects: Risk of increased LDL cholesterol and reduced HDL cholesterol.
- Hormone suppression: Canò alter natural testosterone production.
- Other effects: Water retention, hypertension and mood alterations