F1, Zak Brown lines up with Carlos Sainz

Zak Brown feels the same way Carlos Sainz does.
It often happens in Formula One during Q3 that a driver crashes, causes a red flag and in doing so ruins the last lap of all rivals behind him. This action whether intentional or not causes great frustration in the drivers who suffer it, and so F1 is considering from 2023 the possibility of sanctioning the one who causes the red flag during the last lap.
Those who would be in favor of this type of sanction are certainly Ferrari driver Carlos Sainz, who in the last two years has failed to complete his best lap in the Principality due to accidents. But McLaren CEO Zak Brown also feels the same way, as reported by Marca: “I think what Carlos said is right, which is that you should force red or yellow flags, to actually prevent a driver from completing his lap. They already do that in other engine categories, the penalties. You simply lose the fastest lap of that session, and all drivers tend to do the last laps, so you would penalize the offender, whether it’s intentional or not. Because you ruined someone else’s lap record.”
“I think it’s an easy solution and can be implemented immediately. If you force a driver to back off, lose a lap, go out again — maybe he won’t get another chance. Maybe you already do that or you have to use another set of extra tires. I think this is the easiest way to solve it,” Brown concluded.