Cagliari, a midfielder is back in fashion

Cagliari, a midfielder is back in fashion
Since arriving at Cagliari, Nereo Bonato has been scouring the market for bargains. The ideal identikit is that of a youngster with room to grow and then resell getting as much money as possible.
That of Aldo Florenzi is a profile that fully falls within the parameters of the Rossoblù ds and that is why the club has returned to sound the ground for the Cosenza midfielder, already sought in the summer. Born in 2002, Florenzi this season has collected 9 appearances in Serie B embellished by 2 goals. His natural role is as a central midfielder but he can also be deployed as a halfback if needed.
He remained in the history of Italian soccer the scudetto won by Cagliari at the end of the 1969-70 season. Manlio Scopigno was on the bench while the team’s star was Gigi Riva: the bomber scored 21 goals, boasting the title of top scorer for the third time in just four years. Riva ended his very long experience on the island in 1977, having scored something like 164 goals.