Tammy Abraham dreams of Champions League with “uncle” Mourinho

Tammy Abraham’s words
Tammy Abraham wants to put a 2022 with few goals behind her. “These are things that happen in soccer. This time it happened to me to go through ups and downs during the season, but it had happened to other soccer players before and it will happen again. Last year was a great season, where everything went well for me, for the right way. In this one it’s true, I got off to a bit of a slow start, but I want to make up for it, both myself and the team. I also believe that these moments in the long run make you stronger.”
The goal is the Champios. “We will do our best and see what happens. But I think yes, we will go there.”
Closing remark on Mourinho: “I’ve said it before, for me with him it’s like having an uncle here in Rome, I’ve always seen the coach like that. He is a point of reference. He definitely wants the best for me, he spurs me in every way. When I don’t express myself at my best he tells me, and even when I play well he is someone who is not satisfied. And that is exactly what I need, a coach who always guides me. I don’t need one who pats me on the back, but one who shows me confidence. Like him.”