The result of Modena-Cagliari does not change

Modena-Cagliari remains 2-0
There is no change in the result of Modena-Cagliari, a match in the cadet tournament that closed on the score of 2-0 for the Emilian team.
The Giudice Sportivo declared inadmissible the appeal brought by the island club for violation of Article 67, paragraph 1, of the C.G.S. and consequently homologated the result achieved on the field by Modena.
Article 67 of the C.G.S., in paragraph 1, places the onus on the company that proposes an appeal pursuant to the same article to deposit the pre-announcement statement of the appeal itself, together with the contribution due, by certified mail within 24 hours of the working day following the day on which the match was held. It appears from the record, in fact, that this fulfillment was not carried out by Cagliari, which did not transmit the statement of appeal by midnight of Saturday, February 4, that is, the first working day following the match, as it directly lodged a complaint with the Giudice Sportivo with a communication transmitted, by certified e-mail, at 11:36 p.m. of Monday, February 6. It follows that the complaint must be declared inadmissible, since it is not, the declaration of complaint, an option or an option, but rather a peremptory burden of the complaining party.