NBA Play-offs: Denver scrambles Phoenix in Game 1

Durant-Booker duo’s 55 points aren’t enough for the Suns.
Spectacle in game 1 of the Denver-Phoenix challenge (second round of the playoffs in the West) with the Nuggets’ success with a dry 125-107. Decisive was Denver’s partial in the second quarter, won with a peremptory 37-19.
Great performance by Murray, who ended the match with 34 points and also nine assists. Also notable was the contribution of Jokic, who put up 24 points and also captured 19 rebounds. In the Suns’ house, Durant’s 29 points and Booker’s 27 were not enough. On Murray’s great performance, came the remarks of partner Porter Jr. “He lives for the playoffs, he lives for moments like these,” his words reported by ESPN.