Cagliari, Claudio Ranieri flies low: “We haven’t done anything yet.”

High praise for the group, but also an invitation to fly low.
Claudio Ranieri enjoys to a certain extent his Cagliari’s conquest of the playoff final that is worth promotion to Serie A. “At the moment we haven’t done anything yet. We are expecting Bari, who are another great team and against whom we will have to play another great game,” the Rossoblù coach warned to the microphones of ‘Sky Sport’.
The goal already achieved, however, prompted Ranieri to praise his team. “This group is taking us forward,” explained the Testaccino coach. “They are guys who have heart, healthy and willing. When I arrived they were a bit more down, but gradually we created something important. And being the coach of Cagliari is like being the coach of Roma, it’s always tough.”
“We wanted to attack and press Parma, we couldn’t do it because they are a great team. Now with Bari we have two more games ahead of us that we will have to face with great intensity,” Ranieri added.