VR46, Uccio plans further leap forward with Ducati

‘Uccio’ does not hide the ambitions of the Mooney VR46 Racing Team
Happy with the results obtained by Marco Bezzecchi at the Assen weekend (victory in the Sprint race and second place in the Dutch GP), Alessio ‘Uccio’ Salucci spoke to the microphones of ‘Sky Sport’ about the prospects of his team and the possibility of negotiating, with Ducati, the use of the ‘factory’ bike instead of the previous year’s one.
“The possibility and the ambition are there,” said the team manager of the entity founded by his great friend Valentino Rossi. “With Gigi and Paolo (Dall’Igna and Ciabatti, ed.) we reason very well, we hope to move forward like this and get even better results, then we will talk about this possibility.
“It would be a ‘factory’ but ‘standard’ bike, like those of Martin and Zarco – added ‘Uccio’ -. I don’t think there would be adaptation problems, I am always convinced that ‘factory’ bikes are always better than those of the year before, and the performances of Bezzecchi and Marini testify to how much our team wants to prove that it deserves them.”