Fabio Ravezzani goes down flat: “Embarrassing.”

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Fabio Ravezzani goes down flat

“But how can you do a commentary without knowing the rules of the avulse ranking? They stutter about goal difference, goals scored and can’t tell who qualifies. Embarrassing #Rai Under21.” Through a tweet, the director of TeleLombardia, Fabio Ravezzani, expressed his dismay at how the decisive minutes of Paolo Nicolato’s team’s adventure at the European championships in their category were handled on state television.

The Azzurrini, who lost two out of three matches, beating only Switzerland, were eliminated. The controversy over the refereeing in the debut match with France had given way to the fear of a ‘cookie’ between the transalpines themselves and the Helvetians: a circumstance that did not occur, as the match ended 4-1 to the ‘Galletti’.

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