Serie C, Collegio di Garanzia rules on appeals by Siena and Foggia

The Collegio di Garanzia has ruled on Siena and Foggia
The Collegio di Garanzia del Coni has ruled on the appeals of Robur Siena and Foggia, rejecting both.
The rulings, which were released by official Olympic Committee channels on Monday evening, are as follows:
“HAS DENIED the appeal registered under R.G. No. 59/2023, filed on July 10, 2023, by the Associazione Calcio Robur Siena 1904 S.p.A. against the Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio (FIGC) and the Commissione di Vigilanza sulle Società di Calcio for the annulment and/or reform of the resolution of the Federal Council of the FIGC, published in Official Communiqué No. 9/A of July 7, 2021 – for the reasons set forth in the opinion of the Co.Vi.So.C. of July 6, 2023 -, in which it determined to reject the appeal against the note of June 30, 2023, in which the Co.Vi.So.C, pursuant to Title IV of the National License System for admission to the 2023/2024 Serie C Professional Championship, informed the Company A.C.R. Siena 1904 S.p.A. the negative outcome of the preliminary investigation and, as a result, ordered not to grant the same club the 2023/2024 National License, resulting in the non-admission of the aforementioned applicant to the 2023/2024 Serie C Championship; of the negative opinion expressed by the Commissione di Vigilanza sulle Società di Calcio (Co.Vi.So.C.) at its meeting of July 6, 2023 with regard to the appeal brought by A.C.R. Siena 1904 S.p.A, referred to in note prot. no. 1593/2023 of July 6, 2023; of the note of the FIGC General Secretary prot. no. 907/SS 23-24 of July 7, 2023, transmitting to A.C.R. Siena 1904 S.p.A. the Official Notice no. 9/A of July 7, 2021; where necessary, of the Co.Vi.So.C. note prot. no. 1539/2023 of June 30, 2023, in which the aforesaid Commission expressed a negative opinion regarding the compliance by A.C.R. Siena 1904 S.p.A. of some of the legal and economic-financial criteria provided for the obtaining of the 2023/2024 National License; as well as of all the attached, presupposed and/or consequential acts, even if not known at present; HAS, ALSO, ORDERED THE INTEGRAL COMPENSATION OF THE EXPENSES OF THE JUDGMENT.”
“HAS DECLARED INADMISSIBLE the appeal registered under R.G. No. 61/2023, filed on July 10, 2023, by Calcio Foggia 1920 s.r.l. against the company Calcio Lecco 1912 s.r.l. and the Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio (FIGC) concerning the appeal against the resolution of the Federal Council of the FIGC, taken at its meeting of July 7, 2023, and published in C.U. No. 10/A of the same date, by which, in granting the appeal of the company Calcio Lecco 1912 s.r.l, that Company was granted the National License, as set forth in C.U. No. 66/A of Nov. 9, 2022, as amended by Official Announcements No. 141/A of March 14, 2023 and No. 169/A of April 21, 2023, resulting in the admission of said club to the 2023/2024 Serie B Championship, notwithstanding the negative outcome of the preliminary investigation carried out by the Infrastructural and Sporting – Organizational Criteria Commission on June 29, 2023 and signified to the defaulting Sodality by note of June 30, 2023, as well as of all prodromal, prior, preliminary, contextual and/or subsequent acts (if any and even unknown) to the appealed pronouncement, in those parts in which they are in any way detrimental to the rights and interests of today’s petitioner, in relation to the subject matter of the present dispute; HAS, MOREOVER, ORDERED THE FULL SET-OFF OF THE COSTS OF THE CASE.”