Gigi Datome ready to start a new life

The words of Gigi Datome
In an interview with Marianna Aprile on “Oggi,” Gigi Datome talked about the choice to retire and the “fear” in changing life after decades on the parquet: “We live in a life that does not exist, in a bubble for years, we know that it is when you finish playing that real life begins. It can be scary. I mentally was ready and inside me there is more curiosity for the ‘after’ than I would have by continuing to play. Because as a player I really experienced them all. A great teammate of mine always says that at the end of your career you have to choose: either money, then you keep playing; 0 ego, then you save dignity. I saved the dignity and wanted to leave a good memory.”
Has Datome already set his post-career as a player? “I had started a degree program in sports management, but I got stuck on Roman law and math. Then fortunately Gaia was born and I had the excuse to quit to devote time to the family. Now I will look for courses that are more specific and dedicated to what I have to do. I have the knowledge that whatever I do, I will start from scratch. I will have the humility to learn.”
There was also room for his passion for books: “I have always had a passion for books, but I seem to be a big reader because I share and comment on my readings with those who follow me. Talking about books appeals to me, and if some kids, looking at my posts, get the urge to read one more book, I will have used well the stage on which sports put me on. There are actually a lot more readers than you think, among athletes, even among my teammates like Nicolo Melli.”