Ivan Ljubicic puts the brakes on Lorenzo Musetti

Ivan Ljubicic puts the brakes on Lorenzo Musetti
In an interview with ‘Gazzetta dello Sport,’ Roger Federer’s former coach Ivan Ljubicic spoke about Lorenzo Musetti and the heavy comparison with the Swiss star.
“It is a dangerous talk. Just look at what happened to Dimitrov, who was really a photocopy of Roger. Heavy comparisons that create expectations that can hurt a player,” stressed the former Croatian tennis player.
“I don’t think Lorenzo looks so much like Federer: he has great technique, he makes people dream, but maybe we want to ‘use’ his talent to fill the beauty gap that Roger left behind. And that can be risky for a guy who is looking for his own style and is still forming,” Ljubicic concluded.
Meanwhile, Lorenzo Musetti is set to make his debut in the Toronto Masters 1000, where he will open the dances on the Grandtsand, in the match that pits him against Japan’s Yoshihito Nishioka, number 45 in the ATP rankings.