Juventus in the storm: harsh attack from Sassuolo

Juventus in the storm: harsh attack from Sassuolo
The Domenico Berardi issue continues to hold the headlines: the player has given his 'ok' for a transfer to Juventus but the Bianconeri club has not found an agreement with Sassuolo. At the microphones of Rai the ds of the neroverdi Carnevali è was harsh: "How much does the Berardi case bother from 1 to 10? Even 11. It is part of our system".
"I think there is a lot of work to be done to improve this kind of system as well becauseé at the end of these situations those who are penalized by it, beyondé the player becauseé certain things do not materialize, è the companyè. Playing without Domenico Berardi, who è our best player, means so much".
"There is no chanceà that he will go to Juventus. È a great professional and he is performing perfectly. He will beà on the field with us next game. He is working to recover his condition. We cannot even think of making market movements when there are 2 days left before the start of the championship. It is also part of professionalism and management of a company" concluded Carnevali.