Paul Pogba, Juventus on the hunt for a replacement

Juventus on the market
In light of the situation that has arisen with Paul Pogba, Juve is beginning to move in the market for a replacement for him, perhaps already for January.
According to Sportmediaset reports, to the profiles already being followed in the summer (Habib Diarra, Khephren Thuram and Manu Koné), the name of Lazar Samardzic, who was in fact an Inter player and instead è remained in Udine with his bags in hand, has also been added overbearingly.
This is the official statement of the TNA: "The National Anti-Doping Tribunal announces that, in granting the’petition proposed by the National Anti-Doping Prosecutor’s Office, it has taken steps to suspend as a precautionary measure the athlete: Paul Labile Pogba (FIGC) for the violation of Articles 2.1 and 2.2; substance found: Testosterone metabolites of non-endogenous origin (GC/c/IRMS results are compatible with the’exogenous origin of metabolites). The control è was ordered by NADO – ITALY".
"Juventus Football Club announces that today the footballer Paul Labile Pogba received, from the National Anti-Doping Tribunal, the precautionary suspension order following the adverse outcome of the tests carried out on August 20, 2023. The club reserves the right to evaluate the next procedural steps" the note from the Juventus club read instead.
Pogba è returned to Juventus at’the beginning of last season, a very tribulated season in which he also missed the world championships with France.