F1, the secrets of SF-23 gear shifting

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From failed project to single-seater with great future

After a start of the season in perpetual pain, Ferrari è returned to roar on the track. After the good feelings felt in Monza, here is the victory at the Singapore GP. Thanks to an Oscar-winning Sainz but also to a decidedly different SF-23 from the decidedly faded version of the first part of the season.

When it seemed that the project had now failed (so much so that there was already talk of the 2024 season), something è changed.The SF-23, suddenly, shifted gears, becoming a reliable, fast car that does not disintegrate tires. The race pace è improved enough to worry a certain Verstappen.

At Ferrari, after the good results at Monza, they had been clear: "We found something". Indeed, something è has been found and done. Ferrari è è finally, balanced. There'è the right aerodynamicityà which, on the track, translates into significantly more performance. Tire wear è a distant memory, the set-up è grazing the ground but without porposing consequences. The SF-23 è reliable and this has revived the entire environment of the Rossa. In Japan next Sunday, the Cavallino seeks confirmation of what it has done in the last two GPs to further scare rivals and, in particular, Verstappen’s Red Bull.

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