Leonardo Bonucci enters firm after latest rumors

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Leonardo Bonucci enters firm after latest rumors

Leonardo Bonucci enters determined after the latest rumors. "Without moreù surprising me I read once again invented news about me" he claims on his own social media.

"With the coach I have constructive daily confrontations,” adds the Berlin Union defender.

I have been very well received and we all absolutely want to get out of this situation, especially for the fans, who are extraordinary in their closeness and dedication. I have always had respect for the decisions of every coach, and that’è was also the case yesterday".

"As I have already had the opportunity to write over time, in a team game the We always come before the’I. The desire to play was unquestionably great, but today the individual definitely takes second place to the need to defend the team, becauseé in the end these tendentious news end up harming you and not me, who to certain unpleasant situations I am, to say the least, accustomed. Check well before you speak".

Forza Union!" concludes the’former Juventus.

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