Fiorentina-Juventus: asked for postponement

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Fiorentina-Juventus: asked for postponement

Through a statement, the Curva Fiesole is calling for the postponement of the challenge between Fiorentina and Juventus, scheduled for Sunday at 8:45 p.m. at the 'Franchi', in light of the problems caused by the bad weather that has è hit Tuscany in recent hours.

"The game should not be played – reads the statement of the fans of the Viola -. A part of our city è è completely on its knees, houses destroyed, lives shattered and while it continues to rain they are thinking of playing the game on Sunday as if nothing had happened. In a clear, decisive and categorical manner, the Curva Fiesole demands that the match be postponed, that energies and resources be dedicated exclusively to our people in distress and not to have a sporting event held. We demand respect for the victims, for the family members, for those who have lost everything in a few hours and still find themselves abandoned, without electricity and gas, surrounded by water".

At the moment, the match between the Viola and the Bianconeri does not seem to be at risk, according to what the mayor of Florence said in a press conference: "As of today there are no plans to postpone the match, but the situation will be monitored between now and the next few hours. We are working non-stop, but if it rains again over the weekend, rescue operations will become difficult. Unfortunately, the forecast does not look good".

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