Antonio Cassano: Golden tapiro and swipe at Christian Vieri

With the Tapir also comes the swipe.
This Monday evening on 'Striscia la notizia' Valerio Staffelli hands Antonio Cassano the Tapiro d'oro, after his exclusion – along with Lele Adani and Nicola Ventola – from Christian Vieri’s BoboTv.
"Money has nothing to do with it, those I have for life", retorts Fantantonio to the rumors that claimed economic issues were at the basis of the separation. "BoboTv è a project we created together – Cassano continues – with sharing and friendship. When the sharing fails, then everyone goes his own way".
And when Staffelli pressed him by asking if Vieri wanted to "lead", Cassano replied: "You should ask him. In my life the only people who can command me are my wife and my children". And again: "The three of us (Cassano, Adani and Ventola, ed.) had an'idea, we wanted to move forward as always. But to do that we need four people to decide: not one person should decide and not five should decide", Cassano concluded, hinting that Vieri wanted to include, in front or behind the cameras, a fifth figure.
With this Tapiro Cassano reaches 20, the first sportsman in the history of the satirical news program and third in the overall ranking behind Belen and Fiorello.