Brindisi, Dragan Sakota loses another.

Brindisi, Dragan Sakota loses another
Not good news is coming in the Brindisi household. Dragan Sakota, in fact, will have to deal with yet another injury: Eric Lombardi è knocked out in the last few hours.
"It should be noted that the instrumental examinations to which è underwent the athlete Eric Lombardi reported a first-degree injury to the gastrocnemius muscle" reads the note issued by the company biancazzurra.
"The player will be reevaluated by the biancoazzurro medical staff in about seven days".
Lombardi is thus added to the list of unavailable players, which already boasts Johnson, Laquintana and Senglin, who, however, could recover for the Europe Cup challenge against Zaragoza, scheduled for Wednesday at 8:30 p.m.