Reggiana, Dimitris Priftis reveals keys to beating Tortona

Priftis’ words ahead of Reggio Emilia-Tortona
On the eve of the game against Derthona valid for the eighth day of the LBA, UNAHOTELS Reggio Emilia head coach Dimitris Priftis è expressed himself bluntly on what could be the key factors to put the bianconeri in difficulty.
"We will face a team that è was built for the double commitment and definitely has a complete roster, with very experienced players and with a lot of physicality;. What impressed me about Coach Ramondino’s lineup è their ability to read tactical situations, understanding of the game and execution of schemes. They are a team that acts as a collective moreù than on individualità " began the head coach of the Emilians in the press conference.
"To win this game we will need a shrewd competition, with a high level of concentration and physicality. I am sure that our public, as usual, will also tryà to help us in every way by creating a great atmosphere" added Dimitris Priftis.