Frederic Vasseur wants to close on a high note: message to Mercedes

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Frederic Vasseur’s words ahead of the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix

Frederic Vasseur has sounded the charge ahead of the last Grand Prix of the Formula 1 season, scheduled for the weekend in Abu Dhabi, in which Ferrari and Mercedes will play for second place in the Constructors’ standings.

"We have come to the end of this season and è time for all of us to make the’last effort before some well-deserved rest – he stressed to the official channels of the Rossa -. In Las Vegas we showed that we can work very well and that we are able to cope with even the most abnormal situations without losing concentration. We must continue like this in Abu Dhabi, where we arrive having closed almost the entire gap in the standings from Mercedes for second place among the Constructors".

"We have now gotten to know our single-seater and know that its level of competitiveness in Abu Dhabi will not be equal to that in Las Vegas, but we are also well aware of how close the values between the teams occupying the second to fourth positions are. Every detail can make a difference, and the successful outcome of our season will be played out point to point. We want to be the ones who have the upper hand, we have to put our all into it!" concluded the boss of the Maranello stable.

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