Serie A 2023-2024: Frosinone-Genoa, the likely lineups

Serie A 2023-2024: Frosinone-Genoa, the probable formations
One of the two 3 p.m. matches of the thirteenth day of Serie A, the one between Frosinone and Genoa, will be played at the Stirpe Stadium.
Among the Ciociari, captain Mazzitelli not even summoned, in his place could play Gelli who è favored over Brescianini and Bourabia. Other ballots: Cuni favored over Cheddira, Ibrahimovic over Garritano, Lirola over Oyono and Monterisi over Romagnoli.
Among the Rossoblù Ekuban and Jagiello join Retegui on the list of unavailable players. Vasquez è is on the ballot with Vogliacco in a defense lacking Bani and with De Winter who will play with a protective mask after an operation to reduce a fractured septum. In attack, obligatory pair Malinovskyi-Puscas.
The probable lineups
FROSINONE (4-2-3-1): Turati; Lirola, Okoli, Monterisi, Marchizza; Gelli, Barrenechea; Soulé, Reinier, Ibrahimovic; Cuni. Coach: Di Francesco.
GENOA (3-5-2): Martinez; De Winter, Dragusin, Vasquez; Sabelli, Frendrup, Badelj, Strootman, Haps; Malinovskyi, Puscas. Coach: Gilardino.