Conegliano dominates big match, Milan doesn’t get enough Paola Egonu

Conegliano dominates big match, Milan doesn’t need Paola Egonu
There’è match only in the first set, then Imoco Conegliano dominates Allianz Vero Volley Milan at Palaverde di Villorba for 3-0 in the big match of the nineteenth day of women’s Serie A1 maintaining the unbeaten streak. 25-23 25-18 25-18 the partials of the sets.
It was Marco Gaspari’s girls who got off to a better start in the first set, in which they even led 12-6, but then the Panthers shifted gears and turned the match around with a 13-3 partial. From 19-15 for Daniele Santarelli’s band it ends point-to-point and on 23-23 a Myriam Sylla hitting error and an Isabelle Haak attack decide the partial.
4-0 and then 9-2 for Conegliano at the’beginning of the second set already virtually closed the partial. In the third another good start by Milan on 5-2, but the Venetian women put the turbo again and this time the guests do not have the strength to react as happened in the first set. Haak closed with 20 points, assisted by 11 from Kathryn Plummer and 10 from Marina Lubia, including 4 aces, on the other side 22 points from Paola Egonu were not enough, the best of the others è Sylla with 9.
These are the other results of the 19th day. Played yesterday: Casalmaggiore-Florence 3-0 (25-21 34-32 25-18), Vallefoglia-Busto Arsizio 3-0 (25-17 25-21 25-22). Played today: Bergamo-Roma 1-3 (20-25 25-17 19-25 21-25), Novara-Cuneo 3-1 (25-10 25-17 18-25 25-17), Pinerolo-Chieri 3-1 (25-21 29-27 20-25 25-20), Scandicci-Trento 3-0 (25-18 25-13 25-17).