Valentina Caruso tries to console Cagliari

Valentina Caruso tries to console Cagliari
Valentina Caruso tries to console Cagliari. The journalist and presenter, on the crest of the wave with the program ‘Origini’ in Rai, è great fan of the rossoblù. "I partly expected such a season – she tells -. Cagliari è arrived in A at 96’ of the last useful game: organizing for the top series was not è easy".
"It' is a young team – adds Valentina -. There are many up-and-comers in Claudio Ranieri’s team, I believe that thanks to the coach and his skills, Cagliari will reach its goal, which for this year is salvation. It will not beà easy, becauseé the competition is not lacking, but they are all lì in the group of the dangerous".
Caruso è in Milan for The Best of Western Sicily, a project presented at the International Tourism Exchange. "It showcases the beauty of the territory of Western Sicily,” she concludes. “We have also been to Eataly to tell about my Sardinia. And then I tour Italy for ‘Origini’ to tell about the Italian territory. I have loved’archeology since I was a child".
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