Naples, Calzona has no time to think about the future

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The Neapolitan coach has a contract with Slovakia until 2025


Since he è sat on the Napoli bench, the team has had a reaction. Calzona is proving that he can be very useful to the Azzurri cause. The real problem è the lack of time that is preventing him from coaching as he would like. You play all the time, there isn't time to do anything else, not even thinking about whether he'll still be the Napoli coach next year.

"There'è so much to do that I don&#39t even have time to talk to the family. I have a little girl whom I hear once a day and sometimes not even that. Now this talk does not interest me. I have a contract with the Slovak federation until 2025, they were the first to believe in me, they gave me so much. I have so much respect in them as they do with me", his words in the post-match with Inter.

In fact, the Napoli board would be thinking about confirming him for next season as well but first they want to see how the Azzurri’s championship finish will be. Europe è a necessity, better if it was a pass to the Champions League. Calzona’s future, in fact, depends on this last slice of the championship and the results he can achieve.

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