Zlatan Ibrahimovic sheds light on his return to AC Milan

The words of Zlatan Ibrahimovic
Zlatan Ibrahimovic è returned to talk about his new life in Anas Bukhash’s Swedish podcast ABTalks: "Cardinal made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. I started working with the club three or four months ago and I must say it is going well. I am fine, life è good, I treat myself well. I agreed to stop playing soccer and è it was difficult because of my ego, because of what I think of myself. I think I am the best, I am still the best, I also could have continued, but I chose to stop".
"I want a good life for my family. I wanted to be able to do things with my children, if I had continued I wouldné t have been able to do so many things, becauseé I had problems with a knee. Soì I accepted it, I came to a point where I said ‘okay, let it go and start a new chapter in your life’".
Family chapter: "My wife always tells me ‘remember who è took care of you before you started taking care of the family’. She gave up her career for me. He accompanied me in everything I did, gave me everything and gave up everything for me. I don’t think you should have a big ego in a relationship, be above somebody else. I think it should be 50/50, obviously she takes more responsibility in some things, and in others I take more responsibility. People may think we are a family living a luxurious life, but she washes and cooks. The only help we have è a cleaning lady. I drive the children to school, pick them up from practice, just like in a normal family. È this is how we chose. In the whole school (in the United States, ed.) only my children rode bikes. The other families had nannies to drop off and pick up the children, or a driver. Not è what we are".
Closing remark on Mino Raiola: "When he è passed away for me è it was a hard blow. I cried a lot. And it è still not over because sometimes I get flashbacks. I miss him too much… Everyone who knows me and him understands how close we were. If I could send him a message? I would tell him that I miss him".