Alberto Tomba, a final farewell to dad Franco

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The words of Alberto Tomba

“It takes more than just a simple thank you to reciprocate all the comfort that so many people have wanted to witness to my family these days since dad’è” left, said Alberto, with mom Maria Grazia by his side, a few hours after dadà Franco’s funeral.

“It was May 4, when dadà’è left, the day we celebrate the descent of Our Lady to St. Luke. Me, my mom and my siblings Alessia and Marco, with grandchildren Regina and Gianalberto, were surprised by how much affection and closeness many people showed us with messages and phone calls".

"My dadà did so much and in the golden years he’ve always been close to me, now people remember him for what he did. My parents and I honored him to the’last, and we chose a private funeral for him. But the immense affection we received è was a great comfort to us, and I would like to write a huge thank you in the sky to really thank everyone”.

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