Francesco Passaro put Jannik Sinner’s advice into practice.

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The Blue is living a dream at the Internazionali d'Italia

Never before has he been this far ahead in Rome. Francesco Passaro is enjoying every single moment of his brilliant adventure at the Internazionali d'Italia. A welcome surprise the azure, protagonist of a tournament, up to this point, wonderful. Credit also to the advice of Jannik Sinner.

The two trained together, in the off season, in Alicante. Moments that greatly helped the 23-year-old from Perugia who, after a decidedly negative period, seems to have finally found himself again, as shown by the excellent results he achieved at the Internazionali d'Italia.

Valuable, then, the advice of the number 2 in the world Jannik Sinner: "He asked me why in the last year I had these difficulties and told me that the only thing to do è work always, with method and intensity, without getting discouraged, becauseé then the results come", the words of the same Francesco Passaro to the Gazzetta dello Sport.

The Perugino also revealed his relationship with the South Tyrolean: "Whether we have heard from each other these days? No, no. I do not take that confidence. I know so many people write to him. I don&#39t want to disturb, I just wish him a speedy recovery. I tell him from here: we are waiting for you Jannik". In the meantime, the 32-year-old Perugian aims to continue to improve his results and make that leap in quality that everyone expects from someone with his qualities. Obviously, by continuing to put Jannik Sinner’s advice into partica.

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