Hug between Gasperini and Papu Gomez: peace wins

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The rapprochement over dinner, at a well-known restaurant in Bergamo

Exactly three and a half years ago (Dec. 11, 2020), Gasperini and Papu Gomez were involved in a very heavy quarrel. At halftime of the match between Atalanta and Midtjylland, the two collided. Everyone remembers the consequences: Papu Gomez dismissed from Atalanta and Gasperini, on the other hand, confirmed in his command post.

Well, that ugly episode è was erased on Monday evening. The two met at a well-known restaurant in Bergamo (Gritti was also present) and, in fact, made peace. The embrace between the two è was possible mainly thanks to the mediation of Menalli, owner of the restaurant, a Genoa fan but also a close friend of both.

A few weeks ago, Gasperini had returned to the "Papu Gomez" case, making it clear that he is willing to resolve, once and for all, the issue: "We are grown people, è water under the bridge; several years have passed, we hope to meet again soon and say goodbye".

The opportunity è came and è serenity returned between two characters who have done good for Atalanta. Now Gasperini will continue on his path, trying to win something important, perhaps starting Wednesday night in the Coppa Italia final, while Papu Gomez will be able to follow Dea as a fan and then talk about the game with his former coach.

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