Giovanni Gargiulo lands at Lube Civitanova

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Giovanni Gargiulo lands at Lube Civitanova

Another coup in the Lube Civitanova household. After the signing of Canadian setter Eric Loeppky, the Marche-based club announced the signing until 2027 of center Giovanni Maria Gargiulo, an athlete from Campania class '99, 210 cm tall, a Neapolitan from Sorrento.

Coming back from salvation with Gioiella Prisma Taranto and from the end-of-season experience with the transalpine team of Turcoing Lille Metropole, fourth in the league, the giant about to wear the cuciniera jersey comes from a period full of commitments, crowned by the call to the Azzurri by CT Fefè De Giorgi for the collegial in early May in Rome.

In SuperLega Credem Banca, Gargiulo faced two seasons as a third center at Tonno Callipo Calabria Vibo Valentia and then opened a new chapter of two very positive years at Gioiella Prisma Taranto, in which he showed evident progress. In Regular Season 2023/24 the’former Ionian member printed 36 winning walls forming with wardmate Jendryk Jeffrey an airtight and aggressive duo under the net.

“Any player aspires to wear the Lube jersey,” Gargiulo admitted to the official channels of the white-and-red club.

I am proud of the opportunity’è a new starting point. I say thank you to the teams in which I played, important stages in my life. The red and white project comes at the end of a cycle in Civitanova and è well studied by the management. I have a lot to give and I can grow again! To the biancorossi fans I say that they will always be able to count on my “cazzimma” Neapolitan under the net".

"When I play I like to motivate myself and at Lube the stimuli are endless. Among other things, I have always played in realities’ that managed to integrate young people and veterans giving life to united groups. For me è it was fortunate to have experienced players as teammates, regardless of role. Among the various teammates I greatly admired Candellaro, Cester, Lanza, Rizzo and others. The undisputed idol who always inspired me è Simon. I have played with fantastic center players like Flavius and the already mentioned Candellaro and Cester, but Robertlandy è a sacred monster. Chinenyeze è the player who most reminds me of him as a style of play" concluded the Cookers’ new player.

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