Monza fans grateful with three departing biggies

The greeting of the fans
Monza will lose some valuable pieces in the summer: the red and white fans are persuaded of this and, in the first minutes of the championship match with Frosinone, they displayed a banner that leaves little doubt.
“Raffaele, Andrea, Michele: those who fought for the jersey will never be forgotten” it è read in Curva Pieri, the heart of the supporters of the Brianza team.
The reference, of course, è to coach Palladino, who could take the place of Vincenzo Italiano, to Colpani, already Silvio Berlusconi’s pupil, appreciated by Lazio, among others, and to goalkeeper Di Gregorio, who did not è take the field against the ciociari and whose name è has also been approached by Juventus.
Monza, for the second consecutive year, reached the goal of salvation with ease.