Naples, Giovanni Manna has his favorite for the bench

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The names of Pioli and Gasperini

also remain in play.

The Manna è era has begun. The new Azzurri sports director has already started working to build the Napoli of the near future. Lots of meetings for the former Bianconero, called to give life to a new winning project, obviously always comparing himself with President De Laurentiis and his trusted collaborators.

From what has transpired, Manna would have a soft spot for a coach, namely Conte. It would be the former coach of, among others, Juventus and Inter, who would be Manna’s favorite to sit on the Azzurri bench. A name that has been hinted at by the Azzurri club for quite some time that, with Manna's arrival, could also become a reality. Clearly, the biggest obstacle è both economic (Conte asks a lot) and planning (Naples outside Europe has little appeal for someone like Conte).

The fact that Conte is back in vogue does not rule out other candidates for the Neapolitan bench. De Laurentiis seems convinced to bet on Gasperini. The Dea coach has played yet another applauding season and è considered perfect to kick off a new cycle, perhaps also focusing on several young prospects.

There'è then Pioli. His adventure at Milan è now at the end of the line. He proved in his five years with the Rossoneri that he was a coach of high quality and capable of winning. Exactly what a Napoli team that aims to relaunch itself as soon as possible needs. In short, a three-way race with Conte again in pole position,

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