Virtus Bologna, Luca Banchi outlines the task against Reyer Venezia

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The words of Luca Banchi on the eve of Race 1


After beating Bertram Derthona Tortona 3-2 in the LBA playoff quarterfinal series, Virtus Bologna dives into the semifinals of the playoffs scudetto where it will face Reyer Venezia. For Game 1, the two-game ball è scheduled for Friday, May 24 at 8:45 p.m. at the Virtus Segafredo Arena in Bologna.

Coach Luca Banchi, still without Iffe Lundberg and Devontae Cacok, presented the challenge against the orogranata team in a press conference: "We face this semifinal series against Venezia with the task of producing competitions with’high technical and competitive content".

"Reyer was able to conquer the previous series thanks to a basketball that enhances their great individuality" and a collective capable of competing at every level – added the coach of the bianconeri -, values expressed during the’entire season that has seen them constantly at the top of the standings".

"We have used the little time that has passed since the last game to gather energy and ideas with the will’to channel our efforts in a duel that promises to be hard-fought and balanced" concluded Banchi.

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