Luca Banchi gloats one step away from the finals

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The words of Luca Banchi

Coach Luca Banchi spoke at the end of Game 2 of the LBA playoff semifinals against Reyer Venezia: "It’s been another very tough and hard-fought game, which once more’ve been able to address well except then lose the’inertia of this game".

"Credit must be given to our opponents for continuing to play taking full advantage of their characteristics. We paid dearly for the’fouls emergency, especially in the small sector, which forced us to lower our usual level of aggressivenessà especially in the second 20 minutes and the’inabilityà to put Shengelia in rhythm trying to preserve him from fouls that then inevitably forced him out".

"We again managed for large stretches of the game to play with good fluidityà offensively and impose that’aggressivenessà which in’the span of minutes è went a bit’ fading. We lost confidence, but the way in which even tonight we were able in the end to regain the energy to win testifies to the’unityà of this team, a valuable value to which we must cling especially on the eve of a very tough away game like Venice".

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