Juventus, Dusan Vlahovic now dreams of Champions.

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The words of Dusan Vlahovic

Dusan Vlahovic posted a video on his Instagram profile making Juventus fans dream "With my heart full of emotion I want to thank everyone for the season just ended. Thank you to the club for giving me the opportunity to wear this jersey and take the field with great pride".

"To our incredible fans, you have been our 12th man on the field, always supporting us, both in difficult and joyful moments. A special thanks to my teammates. Together we have struggled, suffered and celebrated, achieving these goals".

" Raising the Italian Cup è was a magical moment that I will always carry in my heart. Next season we will have the Champions League and I look forward to making my contribution", the goal of the former Fiorentina striker, elected best in his role this year in Serie A.

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