Pistoia: two confirmations, one novelty and Europe on the horizon

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Pistoia announces its guidelines for the upcoming basketball season

At a press conference held on Friday, the renewed leadership of Estra Pistoia Basket (the conference was also attended by the club&#39s new president, Ron Rowan) announced its guidelines for the 2024/25 season, with two confirmations at the roster level and one novelty from the point of view of the format for registering athletes on the roster. In addition, the new management leadership confirmed that it has received an invitation to participate in a European cup.

"As for the team, the decision è to switch to '6+6' – Rowan explained, starting with the novelty; then continuing with the two confirmations -: I can already announce the permanence of the captain, Gianluca Della Rosa, and Lorenzo Saccaggi, who join the’arrival of Luka Brajkovic already’officiated in these days".

"We are working to improve the team in all its aspects and we are evaluating whether there will be other reconfirmations or not – then explained the new president -: for sure, the ended season, with an extraordinary result obtained on the field by the team as evidenced by the sixth place in the championship, has highlighted the whole roster and the offers, for various players, are not lacking".

"At the team level it will definitely be bigger and more physical than the one we have just seen, able to defend strongly and capture rebounds since the three-point shot comes and goes while size and physical presence on the court will have to be a hallmark of every game. Also, I can report that we è received an invitation to participate in a European cup: we are making our evaluations and have a few weeks to respond, one way or another’

concluded Rowan.

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