Wojciech Szczesny, Adriano Galliani stalls.

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The words of Adriano Galliani

Adriano Galliani è was a guest at the event preceding the presentation day of the Serie A calendar: "I must say that the Juventus project is quite intriguing me, but also Conte and Napoli. But I believe that in the coming season the points gap between first and tenth will be much less than in the season just ended".

"The left side of the standings is crystallizing as in the other leagues of Europe. The team to avoid on the first day? There isn't a team I want to avoid. I don&#39t understand that you talk about easy or difficult schedule. You don&#39t know the conditions of the opponent on a day. For sure we will be away becauseé we will have to make the third away from home, we will see where we go but nothing changes".

Comment on Wojciech Szczesny: "They used to call me the 'Condor', in fact they had me make a wine for charity for an institute here in Monza that cares for Alzheimer&#39s patients called the Condor, so the Condor can&#39t start on July 3, the Condor starts on August 29-30, so we wait".

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