Milan, an offensive wild card ready for Paulo Fonseca

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The Turkish national canò play multiple roles in attack

Fonseca has just begun his adventure at AC Milan. He is in no hurry but hopes to have at his disposal, in the time frame that will be needed, elements that can improve the current squad. The biggest urgency concerns the attack. Currently, only Okafor and Jovic are available but, surely, someone will arrive.

The hot name è that of Morata. The ex-Juventus Spaniard would be very much liked by the Rossoneri top brass who would be ready to close the negotiation quickly. There is talk of a three-year deal for the striker from Atletico Madrid. But there would also be another opportunity to exploit immediately: Yazici.

Born in 1997, the Turkish national player has just been released by Nice, a team where he worked (and well) with Fonseca. The Rossoneri coach rates him highly and has always used him a lot, confirming how much he believes in the player. Milan would be thinking about it.

Yazici è a real offensive wildcard. He can è play as an outside forward (mainly on the right) but also as a false nueve. He has the characteristics to be a trequartista and can also defend very carefully. Moreover, è a zero parameter, so he would not affect the Diavolo’s coffers. With an average salary (2 to 3 million euros), he could really become a new reinforcement for Fonseca’s Milan.

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