A very sad day for Modena Volleyball

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Died Andrea Parenti

With enormous sadness Modena Volleyball all learned the terrible news of Andrea Parenti's sudden death.

"For over ten years Andrea was a pillar of our society, a person who deeply loved Modena Volleyball and those who were part of it, a person whom it was impossible not to love " wrote the Emilian club.

"Andrea was a great businessman, in love with his work, a person who had Modena Volleyball and the people who worked with him at PalaPanini in his heart. Andrea had a second family here, for all intents and purposes".

"Andrea Parenti leaves a huge void in all of us who loved him deeply over the years. To his mother Maria, his father Renato to all his family members and the many people who loved him we send our deepest condolences and a huge hug. We will miss you so much Andrea, nothing will beà the same without you".

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