Parma, contacts with Samp: speeding up for a shot

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Parma, contacts with Samp: speeding up for a shot

Parma has contacted Sampdoria for a shot at a prospect. According to Sky Sport reports, the Crociati are interested in the 2006-born Giovanni Leoni, a promising defender already a starter for the Blucerchiati in Serie B.

Inter and Napoli were also interested in the player, but Parma seems to have anticipated everyone and is negotiating with the Doriani: the white smoke could arrive soon.

The Gialloblu club wants to bring the player, who in the last six months has played 12 times in Serie B with the blucerchiata club, immediately to Serie A, putting himself on display.

The market value of the 17-year-old is already around 5 million euros.

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