Turin, Urbano Cairo retorts to fans on Bellanova

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Torino, Urbano Cairo retorts to fans on Bellanova

The transfer of Raoul Bellanova has infuriated many Torino fans, who have been vocal on social media. The granata and Italian national team defender will move to Bergamo, to Atalanta, for 20 million euros plus bonuses. President Urbano Cairo on Instagram responded to some of the comments made by fans, infuriated by the luxury transfer.

"He wanted to leave: we have so many valuable ones, I don’t keep players who want to go", he motivated thusì the sale of the class of 2000.

"I put 72 million into Toro out of my own pocket! I am not a bottomless pit", Cairo continued, replying to those urging him to sell the club. In Bellanova’s place will come Marcus Pedersen, who played at Sassuolo last season.

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