Colbey Ross says thank you to Michael Arcieri

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Colbey Ross says thank you to Michael Arcieri

Colbey Ross, new point guard for Pallacanestro Trieste, granted an interview to 'Il Piccolo': "This is my fourth year as a professional, and my third experience in Italy after Varese and Tortona. I fell in love with basketball right away, since I was three or four years old and my mom attachedò a basketball hoop for me and my brother in the basement I never stopped playing. My career for now è has been very good, I continue to grow, learn and improve as a person and as a player; I enjoy life and my job as a basketball player which continues to entertain me every year. As for my expectations I take everything one day at a time, try to improve and win".

So he explained the choice to land in Trieste: "Becauseé I know itè a great basketball city with passionate fans, and a beautiful city; with so many opportunities" and attractions. The main reason forè è GM Michael Arcieri, whom I know from my Varese days: that experience è was great for me, I share his vision as far as the company is concerned, and also for me as a player. When he called me I had no doubts, I immediately accepted. My goal è always improve day by day, certainly we have ambitions as a team but the only way to achieve them è working hard one step at a time".

"I am settling in really well,‖ continued the U.S. point guard.

The confirmed guys have helped me a lot both on and off the court, for any questions I am always available. I live downtown, I have everything I need at my fingertips and the location è fantastic. I have been here for two or three weeks now and I was immediately comfortable with the people and with the pace of life in Trieste in general".

"In my opinion we have great potential, Michael è managed to bring together talented players and a good coach like Jamion; we have to put our trust in them and put aside any selfishness in favor of the team. I do not feel like saying that we will win cups or championships, but I know that we are a talented team that likes to play together and work hard, so I am confident that we can be successful" concluded Ross.

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