Napoli, Antonio Conte is not afraid of pressure

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Napoli, Antonio Conte is not afraid of pressure

These are the words of Napoli coach Antonio Conte ahead of Sunday’s away match against Cagliari.

“I carry a great pressure and responsibility; having won in the past that is always expected of me. They said that even at my signing when Napoli was missing half a team. È a pressure from which I do not shy away knowing that we have to work and certainly grow".

"President De Laurentiis talks about year zero. For me it is not è year zero but we are in a deep reconstruction. In the market if you take 7 players and 12-13 go away it means a major change, but I know what awaits me, what the expectations are and we work to give important answers”.

“Now I am part of the history of Napoli and it gives me great reason to be proud: De Laurentiis and the family have been committed for 20 years, and great credit should be given to those who took the team in C and brought it to an important level. De Laurentiis’ emotion yesterday also makes it clear how committed his family is to Napoli and the city”.

“His words are important because he talked about growth on the field but also off the field.

I come from the Premier and I know the importance of the sports center to have the first team and the youth teams together so everyone can breathe in the same area and mentality. When I arrived at Inter, Appiano was a disaster and we worked a lot on the sports center and now Naples also wants sports center that gives more.

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