Roberto Donadoni’s grief over the passing of Totò Schillaci

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The grief of Roberto Donadoni for the passing of Totò Schillaci

This is how Roberto Donadoni, former Italy coach and teammate at the World Cup in Italy '90, remembers Totò Schillaci. “È it was a special time for him, for us and I am very saddened because é I would never have imagined such a thing, è a piece of life that goes away".

"I remember a boy of great simplicityà, desire and determination,” he continued, “I lived him in Italy '90, the ones that have remained impressed on me are precisely these characteristics; his grit in trying to express his talents and his talent but all seasoned with great simplicity. Something that will always remain etched in my memory and also in that of all of us who experienced him".

Donadoni, then, emphasizes how Schillaci was "almost incredulous to have achieved such an important goal as playing in the national team and being a protagonist in a World Cup. That meant a lot to us. That è was absolutely his world championship", concludes the former Azzurri coach.

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