Virtus debuts with Trapani, former Parente: “Not a newcomer.”

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The words of Daniele Parente on the eve of the challenge with Trapani Shark


Daniele Parente, assistant coach of Virtus Bologna, presented the challenge with Trapani Shark, scheduled for Saturday at 8 p.m. at Pala Shark: "The championship begins and our opening game will be 'sui generis'. We start away against a neo-promoted team that in reality is not è neo-promoted because it deserved promotion, made an important market, in preseason met with EuroLeague teams and won all the games against A teams, demonstrating the project and showing very specific characteristics".

"They can count on strong players with experience such as Robinson and Notae – Luca Banchi’s deputy continues -, Galloway we got to know him last championship, in the low post Alibegovic è their reference point, Horton è the defensive glue and has great versatilityà. The package of Italians è experienced and can bring solutions from the bench. Finally, Pleiss, who has won two EuroLeague" should not be forgotten.

"Therefore, it would not be fair to consider Trapani a newly promoted team, but most likely a team that will fightà for the top positions. For us, the emotional component and approach will be very important, è an environment that has been waiting for this game for more than 30 years. It will beà nice to see so many friendly faces again, I am glad that the Serie A can get to know this square becauseé è what it deserves" commented the'former coach of Trapani.

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