Luna Rossa, Francesco Bruni does not lose hope

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Francesco Bruni does not lose hope

Luna Rossa finds itself with its back against the wall in the Louis Vuitton Cup final with Ineos Britannia. The Italian boat, in fact, lost both of the day&#39s races against the British crew, which now leads 6-4 and has three match points to graduate as champion and secure a place in the America&#39s Cup final against Emirates New Zealand.

Team Prada Pirelli helmsman Francesco Bruni, however, is not losing hope, still believing in the comeback: "It will giveà even more taste no? I have full confidence in the team, the guys and the boat, so honestly I’m enjoying it".

"The conditions? Truly at the limit – added the 51-year-old Sicilian -. A’bigger wave or a stronger wind would have made the situation almost catastrophic“.

"Today, however, the course was raceable, windy and with rough seas. Ineos did a better job than we did. We have to talk about it with our coaches and come back stronger on Friday," concluded Bruni ahead of regattas 11 and 12.

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