Davis Cup 2025, everything changes: the new format in detail

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A revolutionized format from how we know it today.

Davis Cup 2025 with a completely new face compared to how we had become accustomed to knowing the competition in recent years. In fact, the ITF has decided to abandon the format of four unique venues and September rounds, in favor of knockout challenges with a home-and-away formula already seen in the past.

In addition, the Davis Cup will be enriched with an additional date, scheduled in February in the week following the Australian Open. This round will be intended for all nations, including the big ones, except for the defending champions and the Finals host country.

To sum up: the first round will take place in February 2025, the second in September, and the Final-8 will be held in November. The commitments required of the strongest nations and their respective Davis Cup bigwigs are thus increased from the current two per year to a total of three.

Particularly busy is the new schedule: in February all nations entered for the Davis Cup (except the winners of the previous edition and whoever will host the Final-8) will be engaged in 13 matches. September will bring seven more, between the first-round winners and the defending champions. Here seven teams will get a pass to the Final-8, and only then will the host nation come into play.

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