Eziolino Capuano does not deny himself.

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Eziolino Capuano does not deny himself

Eziolino Capuano, current coach of Foggia, spoke about his philosophy to the microphones of Radio Goal, live on Kiss Kiss Napoli.

"I love balance, I do not love aesthetics,” he recounted.

Football è a business where the result è above everything. There is no such thing as a fan who goes to the stadium and is è happy because his team played well, but lost".

"Conte è a pragmatic coach, there were matches in previous years with Spalletti where Napoli played beautiful soccer, but Conte’s è a much more balanced soccer, maybe less beautiful to watch, but for Conte there is only the result, the rest è hot air" he added.

"When players have quality" you also see the beautiful game becauseé the play of the individual goes to capitalize on the quality" also of other players in the field. Napoli has devastating players in the one-on-one and they make sure that the play of the individual should be emphasized by the public" concluded the coach from Salerno.

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