F1, Franco Colapinto and the great sacrifice made at age 14

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Revelation of these last GPs, he struggled so much to be in F1

It took him very little to prove his talent in F1. Colapinto è the great revelation of these last few GPs. Driving the Williams, the 21-year-old Argentine has amazed everyone. At the moment, he still does not have a single-seater for next season (Sainz in his place) but many believe his future should be in F1.

To fulfill his dream of becoming an F1 driver, Colapinto has made many sacrifices: "When I was 14, I went to live in Italy, without knowing Italian. It was total madness to go to a country 12 thousand kilometers away from my home, without anyone from my family", he explained to El Hormiguero, a TV program where he è was a guest.

I lived in an apartment in the workshop of the brand I used to race with. I learned Italian early on but at first it was a disaster because the only thing I knew how to do was cut fruit. I went from being a 14-year-old boy who went to school with his friends to a 20-year-old boy far from home,&#39quot;, continued the Argentine.

“È it was complicated but, of course, è a sacrifice that one has to make to get where one wants to be and I knew that, the only way to get there, was to make those sacrifices. For me è it was an honor and I would do it again a thousand times", the closing words of the same driver who now has a new desire: to find a way to stay in F1. He still has several GPs to show what he is è made of.

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